53 thoughts on “turns out Covid sucks

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  1. Oh, no! Hope you’re much better soon! I, too, have never had COVID. But I’m not bragging.

  2. Yup sure does. Had it twice. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Jenny!

  3. I had Covid and it was the absolute worst illness I’ve ever had and I’m 67 yo. My bones hurt, along with every muscle in my body. I hope you CAN just relax in bed and read and write, but that was definitely not the case for me. It lasted for two weeks and I was so weak from it, all I could do was shuffle from my bed to the bathroom to my bed to the kitchen to my bed to the bathroom, repeat… I’m not trying to scare you — I’m quite a bit older than you are and I never lost my taste and smell but I just wasn’t that hungry. I still wear a mask everywhere because I’m NOT getting it again. I ended up with agoraphobia to add to everything else. Bad mood today. Sorry.

  4. I had Covid after being fully vaccinated and boosted and it was a very short mild bronchitis like symptoms illness. I also have autoimmune issues. I drank lots of non caffeinated no sugar liquids and chicken soup and rested. But I also got up and walked around my room a lot because Covid increases the likelihood of blood clots for several months afterwards, along with possible brain fog or chronic fatigue if you get long Covid syndrome afterwards. I think the earlier variants made people lose their sense of smell and taste, but I haven’t heard of the more recent variants doing that. The new variants are much less dangerous and milder and more contagious than the original variants that have died out. Dogs and cats can get Covid too, so it’s good to isolate from your pets.
    But you’re lucky because it’s not the new bird flu, and we have antivirals for treating Covid if you get a bad case. I’m allergic to Paxlovid though, so I can’t take it.
    Feel better soon! I’d love it if you posted your discovered artist on this site, because I can’t travel.
    Virtual hugs to feel better!

  5. Ugh, COVID. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that! It does suck a lot. I was sick for 10 days and was still tired a week later. Please rest as much as you can! <3

  6. Gosh, I hope you are on the mend soon. I’m not a Doctor, and I don’t play one on TV, but — stay hydrated!!!! Get some rest, we are all pulling for you!

  7. I hope you feel better soon, though it sounds like it’s pretty mild right now (knock on wood). Hope it stays that way! Take care.

  8. Agreed. Had Covid-19 in Early 2020 before it was well-known. It sucked. The whole western slope of Colorado got it in January.

  9. I had it and so did my husband. I have an autoimmune disease. It is I have to say the worst thing I have had. Also, I had my covid vaccine and boosters. We got in Memorial weekend 2022. My husband I both were sick for16 days. My bones hurt, my head hurt, I lost smell, taste, I could not breathe, could not eat. But, I drank lots and lots and lots of water. A friend suggested the liquid IV packets and they were so helpful. Dr. recommended Vit C, D and bone broth, as well as much rest. It was a long 16 days that I pray to never repeat it. I am hoping you recover quickly Jenny and without any long term issues from it.

  10. Oh, my. That’s awful. My husband and I have been able to avoid it and I’m living in a heavily populated area of the country. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  11. Boooooo. 😷🤒 So sorry to hear that. But you’re the toughest lady I know! You’ll kick Covid’s butt. 💕💕

  12. Oh, JennyI

    I am so sorry! Take all the time you need and do whatever you need to do to recover completely. Make your doctor move in. Make all your doctors move in. Above all: milk this situation for whatever you can get. You are legitimately suffering, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take what advantage you can, especially when you’re not longer contagious. Favourite foods, ice cream several times a day, back-rubs, foot care — whatever makes you happy. Plan ahead.

    I am sending you vibes of chicken soup with matzah balls and wafting the spirit of tea with lemon and honey your way.

    Okay, I didn’t mean to yell. Ive had 6 (yes, SIX) vaccinations for Covid and still got it. Wasn’t as bad as some of the people described above, but I had the most unbelievable fatigue. Lost my sense of taste for about a day, which is best described as freaking weird, and felt like crap for a few weeks. Not bad considering I know people who died.
    My unsolicited advice—as an RN—is to let your body rest and your little immune soldiers do their thing. Fluids are essential, and you can consider Jello as food AND fluids!!!! Kind of.
    Take care of yourself—Covid is an ugly beastie.

  14. Yeah, I did a pretty good job of avoiding the covid. Until I didn’t. My partner picked it up right as we were coming home from Morocco and shared it with the rest of us. But I forgive him, because I’m nice like that. And we didn’t die. I was vaccinated and boosted and barely had symptoms, fortunately.

    Hope you’re better soon!

  15. Unfortunately the acute infection phase might not be the end of your Covid story. Health problems can emerge long after your initial symptoms. Repeat infections increase the risk of long Covid and other chronic issues. I hope that you recover quickly and check in with your doctor post infection. 🤍

  16. I’m so sorry you got covid after your trip. If you were vaccinated then hopefully you’ll have an easier time. I was, but it still kicked.my butt and drug on for too long. Hate to think how bad it would’ve been without the vaccination. I would love a virtual gallery show since i can’t come to Nowhere Bookshop. I would love to see all the artwork. Take care.

  17. I hope you have a mild case and that you get well soon! I’ve had it 3 times now :/ The acute infection wasn’t bad for me but I developed some GI problems after the 1st infection, decreased lung capacity after the 2nd, and ME/CFS (myalgic encephalopathy/ chronic fatigue syndrome) after the 3rd. Now I’m on state disability 🤬

  18. I had COVID in 2020. I was so tired I could barely get myself to the bathroom, which is part of the master suite. 10’ was too far to contemplate. I’m still often VERY tired. Please rest a lot and get better! You are very dear to me and many, many others!

  19. Take care. We will gladly wait for you to feel better! Don’t feel pressured to get back to work too soon. We love you & will patiently wait as long as you need!

  20. Covid finally caught me last October. Don’t use Paxlovid unless you really need too. I’m on Escitalopram for depression and it doesn’t play well with Paxlovid. The cure was worse than the disease.
    Get well soon. Lots of sleep and liquids.

  21. I’m righteously stoned and getting over my second migraine in 4 days, and for a minute there, I thought you were still in Japan. And I was all freaked out, thinking you were having to spend a fortune to stay in your hotel longer and wondering when/how you were gonna get home. So hey, there’s that going for you, at least you’re home.

    And I think everyone here is overlooking the amazing healing power of edibles! Take it from an old stoner who knows, you’ll sleep better, your appetite will be better, you won’t be so nauseous, all the things! I haven’t had COVID (knock wood!), but I did have broncheal pneumonia like 5 years ago, and GIRL. I wanted to die and GUMMIES GAVE ME LIFE.

    Your Pal,

    Storm the Klingon

  22. Just remember, Jenny, now when you have a brain fart moment, just wave it off and say, “Covid”. As far as I know I haven’t had Covid, but I’m 67 and I use that reason to benefit myself. Take care my dear.

  23. I’m so sorry to hear about the covid. I’ve had it and even at a mild case I wasn’t happy at all. It does seem to be flaring around people I care about and have little physical connection to. I remember lying in bed in a big puppy pile with great granddaughter, and spouse right around a Christmas and hoping Santa would show up with liquids. He did.

  24. I would love to hear what you saying but the sound isn’t working. At least not for me. So sorry you’re sick.

  25. Sorry to hear you got sick. I’ve never gotten covid, but I get all the other health problems. Just got home from seeing my doc because of my major anxiety issues, as well as my fainting issues. See, we are all battling something. The problem is when they put you on high dose benzo, then don’t know how eles to treat you. Sigh. Try to enjoy your time of peace and relax. Reading without having to stop because of well, life, is good.

  26. Whenever I’m sick or in the hospital my husband always reads me “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened”. It is my favorite book. We have read it a thousand times and it always helps me when I’m sick or in severe pain. Thank you for writing it. I wouldn’t do as well without you. Maybe you have a book like that. Get better soon. Also, write another book please. (I have read them all so far)

  27. SAME! I had a four-year COVID-free streak going and just got hit about a month ago, coming back from a cruise. And totally agree, IT SUCKED. Still have the cough. It really only hit hard for about a week. Recovering slowly. The fatigue is awful.

  28. Oh God, DO NOT TAKE ESSENTIAL OILS AND STRAIGHT UP RUB THEM IN THE ROOF OF YOUR MOUTH. 😵‍💫🫨 I did this at the advice of my Young Living rep and discovered I was HIGHLY allergic to one of the oils in Thieves.😬🫢 I broke out in hives. Everywhere. E V E R Y W H E R E. 🫣 No moisture producing part of my body was safe. Oh wait, shit, it’s you. My vagina and vulva and anus were itchier than a cheap whore on a Sunday morning in the 1970s (no disrespect to sex workers. My sister is one…in that she is a Certified Midwife.😉)

    I pray you heal quickly. This DisEase sucks. My husband actually had such a high fever that he passed out onto our garden tub and was seizing. It was so terrifyingly scary that I had to slap him to bring him out of it. It worked but he was like “Why did you slap me?”. “Because you were seizing on the edge of the garden tub and I didn’t want you to hit your head and it was instinct.” Turns out I did the right thing. He was very sick and it got it too but we survived.

  29. Oh no! Fuck Covid! So sorry you’re suffering Jenny. Get well soon, and hope you’re doing lots of self care. Hugs!! Sending healing thoughts! If you need a little serotonin boost while you recover check out Rachel Maksy on YouTube. She is an artist, a cosplayer, and a literal delight. Here’s one of my favorite episodes.. a felt mouse knight she made: https://youtu.be/9uWwdkUThwQ?si=Wy_EIVp9laBoEZDx

    My aunt just got Covid at the same time (she traveled recently). She is at home as am I, but I’m home for different reasons so we’ve been texting on and off.
    She is taking Airborne dissolvable tablets and 6000 mg of vitamin C per day, and she said it’s helping tremendously.

    I’m not a medical professional, so I’m not sure if it’s safe to take that much vitamin c, but thought you’d like to know. I’m having to be at home like a modern Miss Havisham because A) I’m recovering from a hysterectomy for the past three weeks that has been extremely problematic, and my doctor is not invested nor supportive as she should be during my recovery, which has made things much harder.

    B) I developed a dangerous side effect to a drug I was prescribed to (by said careless doctor) to treat a uti Ciproflaxcin (tendentious) so for the next 6 weeks (according to my new ortho doc) I have to limit walking dramatically (walking around the house is ok, but longer walking must be avoided and I can’t go on walks for exercise), and be extremely careful like I’m a paper doll everyday otherwise my tendons could snap, and if my pain becomes constantly chronic I’m going to have to wear a boot or two. It’s not stressful or anything worrying about if my body could explode at any moment 👀😬😑

    Ciproflaxcin and that entire drug class can fuck right off. 😂 anywho! Hope you’re taking it easy Jenny, and doing lots of self care!

  30. It’s miserable. Mine felt like the worst cold ever that tried to become a sinus infection (it didn’t) and left me with a cough for two weeks (Mucinex D and I became besties). But I did get better and you will, too. Hope you feel better soon!

  31. I just got Covid for the first time in January. Wasn’t too bad, like a cold. About 3 weeks later, I had some chest pain, lasted long enough that we thought I should go to ER. Turns out the Covid virus caused fluid buildup around my heart and inflammation of the heart muscle, and it was pressing on my diaphragm. So, I’m still not better and an atrium is enlarged, even though I feel okay. Not much they can do about it either. :/. So, yes, Covid sucks. Big time jerk. So sorry you’re sick. Pay attention for other weird symptoms, even weeks later.

  32. Well, yeah, Covid-19 really sucks and a lot of people not working in the “health industry” or especially those who are even members of “Alt-Right” and other “special-interest-groups” 😉 simply do not know or have totally blocked out, that Covid-19 killed literally several millions of people around the world. And I do not even want to start with long-Covid-symptoms as these are literally just being examined and evolving all the time among several million patients worldwide. I had it twice in spite of being vaccinated three-times and boosted and I do have long-covid-symptoms I would not recommend … ;-( Get well soon and hopefully see You better …! 🙂

  33. Oh, I hope you get better quickly! I haven’t caught Covid yet, but my personal treatment for the symptoms of anything that brings a nasty cough with it is The Black Crockpot Magic. How it works is, you put peppermint, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, and citrus peel with a whole bunch of water into a crockpot and let it heat up. Once it turns a frankly alarming shade of black, strain some into a drinking vessel (water bottle or securely lidded mug is my recommendation because I have a tendency to drop things when I’m sick) and drink a bit every time the cough gets too bad. It sort of stuns your throat into submission, but I don’t know if it works when you can’t smell things all that well.

  34. @#32: What the actual fuck…? Are you taking the piss?

    The funny thing is, that wasn’t terribly far off from how I usually write, but I was too wiped out from my migraine to care.

    Storm the Klingon

    (It’s a spam bot that uses AI to look like it’s talking to you but totally isn’t. They throw me off too sometimes. I deleted it. 🙂 ~ Jenny)

  35. Ditto to pretty much all the positive thought, wishes and prayers. We love you girl!

  36. Hang on there, and it’s a good time to think of all you achieved. You are not alone. A high percentage of people have had covid.

  37. I have had it multiple times…it’s a cold….I’ve had way way way worse colds and flus….I’m not sure why we are still labeling it but that’s the media’s fault…at this point it’s mutated into the 5th strain of coronavirus…we have 4 others…it’s a cold. I tried to get it so my body would acclimate and be used to it….got my vaccines too but yeah it’s a bad cold….for life, it will be out there in various forms. I just figure it’s part of the cycle. I hear people saying it’s so bad but for me it was just sniffles, headache, fatigue, but no different than the flu.

    (It was definitely worse than a cold for me. It felt like a flu but the fatigue has lasted much longer than a flu. I feel like I have mono at this point. ~ Jenny)

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