I screamed “ME TOO” at more than half of these.

Yesterday I used twitter for what it was made for: admitting mortifying true statements which you’d only ever admit during slumber parties or when really, really drunk. me: “True story: I always thought that Smurfette and Loni Anderson were related because they had the same hair.” I expected crickets, but instead a flood of peopleContinue reading “I screamed “ME TOO” at more than half of these.”

A small step forward

Skip this post if you aren’t for gay rights.  No judgement.  Just come back tomorrow, okay? For everyone else?  Today we celebrate a small step forward.  Yeehaw, motherfuckers. “No freedom until we’re equal.  Damn right I support it.”

Lessons I learned from horror movies

Conversations with Victor: me:  I think if I found myself in a scary movie I’d go hang out at a retirement home.  Elderly people almost never get targeted by movie-based serial killers.  And even if the ghost/axe murderer/whatever showed up at the old-folks-home I’d still be way faster than most of the non-ambulatory people.  Plus, they’ve already lived theirContinue reading “Lessons I learned from horror movies”