I can’t stop watching this.

Best literal translation of an 80’s video? Almost definitely.

Comment of the day: I never quite understood what was supposed to be happening in that video… who doesn’t carry their own pipewrench just in case they get sucked into a comic and chased by cartoon miners/tradesmen? ~ Catherine

99 thoughts on “I can’t stop watching this.

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  1. Oh sigh… these guys were my FIRST Norwegian Loves! You will all be happy to know A Ha is alive & well & still playing concerts in …Norway… not sure they get out very often…

    This takes me back to 7th grade spending all of my money at AstroWorld to play this video over & over & over… I love me a little Morten Harket… yum

    American in Norway’s last blog post..Friday Foto Fiesta..Giving thanks at Christmas

  2. beautiful. i seriously thought you had lost it when it started but then the lyrics began and i almost fell off my bed. hilarious. i love the 80s….

  3. I made my husband watch it with me. He was all, “What? Did they change the lyrics around or something?” It took him until halfway through to figure it out. (He was too busy listening to Iron Maiden, Van Halen and Metallica to bother with fruit music). I, however, loved that song and I’m not afraid to admit it. (This version pretty much kicks the original’s ass though…)

    Walking With Scissors’s last blog post..Clicking Her Heels Together

  4. omg that was fricking awesome! I have to steal this and post it. Err, borrow this and give you full credit. That’s what I meant, yeah.

  5. Oh…My…Gawd…! This was one of my absolute favorite tunes from the ’80s.

    I thought I recognized the video from the first frame, but something was a bit off. As I kept watching, I kept bouncing between roaring laughter, surprising tears and some heaving sighing.

    What a wonderfully strange, hilarious, deliciously nostalgic treat!

    MaryAnne’s last blog post..The Law of Duality – How to Multiply Online Profits and Create the Life of Your Dreams (Part 9)

  6. I saw this the other day via a tweet, isn’t is great? My Hubby and I started to sing our actions to the tune afterwards… you know like “Leaving the room, I need to see what the cat’s done” Ok not quite the same without the music but you get my drift.

    Belinda’s last blog post..Boogielastic

  7. Oh God. Now I am gunna be singing that all day.

    Better than ‘I kissed a girl’ I suppose. My husband keeps getting all freaking amorous when I sing that one.

    Kelley’s last blog post..Biz Cas Fri

  8. I, too, have been showing that to everybody who will watch, I love it!
    I actually had pictures of them on my wall in high school and knew everything about them, according to the gospel of Tiger Beat. I couldn’t tell you their names, if my life depended on it, now.

    Sue’s last blog post..Volleyball Party

  9. Ahahaha! Oh man. I love the background singers- “Pipe wrench fight!” Pretty much better than the original. Badass.

  10. Haha that was great. Though I never quite understood what was supposed to be happening in that video… who doesn’t carry their own pipewrench just in case they get sucked into a comic and chased by cartoon miners/tradesmen?

  11. Jenny, you slay. Thank you for being you (I know, who else would you be?) I consider your posts therapy… which says a bit about me, huh?

    You have all my cyber love (but not my cyber sex… that’s reserved)

  12. That > original. I will now proceed to watch it again, then post it on my own blog (and link back here, don’t worry, you’ll get full credit for this fantastic find).

  13. Yes, this is about my speed. I literally need to have things spelled out for me, especially the 80’s. I grew up in them, but only could only watch from the sidelines.

    Hairspray, flipped up collars and anything staring Molly Ringwald were against the rules.

    CK Lunchbox’s last blog post..CLARK KENT’S INBOX October 10th

  14. Is it sad that it took me a couple lines to realize this wasn’t the actual song? In my defense I haven’t seen this video in years.

    I think it was the “sketchy arm” that made me realize what was going on. Apparently I need more direction than most.

    JenK’s last blog post..I go on cartrips for the comedy

  15. I’m going to pretend you got this from my tweet the other day so that I can feel special and important. Also, because I have a sketchy arm too.

    The Introvert’s last blog post..misfit

  16. Gosh…those 80’s gave us some interesting music via Video. A-ha was cool. But I was all about wearing my sunglasses at night, lol!!!

    The Jonas Bros. tried to cover this song…no where as cool!

  17. I posted something a couple of weeks ago about A-Ha and how I LURV them and LURV them and LURV them some more.

    The post included a YouTube video of this song. It was NOT this YouTube video. If I had seen this one, I would not have posted the real thing. I would have posted this and totally beat you to the punch.

    I’m PISSED.

    It makes me want to crumple something.

    bejewell’s last blog post..My Husband Ruined Sam Elliott’s Life

  18. This here? Is why you are on my “Most Stalkable” list. I absolutely HAVE to meet you, drink with you heavily then watch lots of YouTube. It’s a thing we must do. Then? We can post our own YouTube videos like that Miley brat and he far too old friend that you know is just hanging with her to bone her Dad.

    Kim @ Ponytaildiaries.com’s last blog post..Iz u dayerr intarwebzzz? Iz mee Squeaker.

  19. That is awesome. I never did like that song . . .but my husband did – I think I’ll show this to him later and see if he can sing as high as that dude!

  20. I can remember that they actually showed this video before real live movie theater cinema. Like we know you’re here for real entertainment, but first, this some art from a new medium called the Music Video.

    t2ed’s last blog post..Anything By the Bacon Brothers

  21. “what kind of hallway is this?”. “Are we in your house?”. HAHAHA. LOVE IT!

  22. Who… who made this… this wonder? I feel as if I am born anew, and must pursue this lead much like climbing into a comic frame to a magical fucked-up land of melodramatic nonsense.

    If this is a series of smarmy literal interpretations of videos, I may have a new obsession to fill the days between Bloggess posts.

    LiteralDan’s last blog post..Origami es mi amigo?

  23. I just snarfed my Lean Cuisine onto my computer. Seriously. Spaghetti is hanging onto my screen. I think that the actors in the video are my neighbors who think it IS still the 80’s and have full fledged mullets.

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